Freelance SEO Services

SEO for Financial Services


SEO's Role for Financial Services

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is critical for online success. In the financial sector, where trust is paramount, appearing as a top result on search engines enhances credibility.

Beyond Visibility: 

It’s not just about being seen; it’s about being seen as an authority. SEO helps financial brands establish themselves as leaders in their niche.

Connecting with the Right Audience: 

Tailored SEO strategies ensure financial firms attract individuals actively seeking their services, leading to higher conversion rates.

Long-Term Benefits: 

While SEO requires consistent effort, its benefits are long-lasting. A well-optimised website can continue to attract organic traffic, ensuring a steady stream of potential


Financial SEO Packages & Pricing


Designed for small businesses and SMEs, eager to climb search rankings, enhance online exposure, and ignite organic growth.

£ 800 / Month
  • Full SEO Audit
  • Unlimited Keywords Tracked
  • Google My Business Setup
  • GA4 Setup with Conversion Tracking
  • Technical SEO Fixes

    XMl Sitemap, Robots.txt, GSC Setup

  • Schema Markup
  • CRO Optimisation

    Conversion Rate Optimisation

  • On-Demand Updates
  • Monthly SEO Report
  • Keyword Mapping & Metadata Updates
  • Competitor Analysis
  • 4x Monthly Pages Created
  • 2x Monthly Editorial Backlinks
  • 5x Monthly Citation Listings


Crafted for medium-sized businesses seeking to elevate search rankings, boost online visibility, and drive organic growth.

£ 1500 / Month
  • Full SEO Audit
  • Unlimited Keywords Tracked
  • Google My Business Setup
  • GA4 Setup with Conversion Tracking
  • Technical SEO Fixes

    XMl Sitemap, Robots.txt, GSC Setup

  • Schema Markup
  • CRO Optimisation

    Conversion Rate Optimisation

  • On-Demand Updates
  • Monthly SEO Report
  • Keyword Mapping & Metadata Updates
  • Competitor Analysis
  • 6x Monthly Pages Created
  • 4x Monthly Editorial Backlinks
  • 5x Monthly Citation Listings
  • Pagespeed Optimisation


Tailored for corporations to dominate search rankings, amplify online presence, and boost organic growth.

£ 2000 / Month
  • Full SEO Audit
  • Unlimited Keywords Tracked
  • Google My Business Setup
  • GA4 Setup with Conversion Tracking
  • Technical SEO Fixes

    XMl Sitemap, Robots.txt, GSC Setup

  • Schema Markup
  • CRO Optimisation

    Conversion Rate Optimisation

  • On-Demand Updates
  • Monthly SEO Report
  • Keyword Mapping & Metadata Updates
  • Advanced Competitor Analysis
  • 10x Monthly Pages Created
  • 5x Monthly Editorial Backlinks
  • 10x Monthly Citation Listings
  • Pagespeed Optimisation
  • Tailored SEO Strategy

what we do

Bespoke SEO for Financial Services


Implementing Keyword Research Tailored to Financial Niches: Targeted Precision for Better Engagement

Effective SEO begins with understanding the exact terms and phrases your potential customers are using. In the financial domain, this requires a deeper dive.

  • Jargon Vs. Consumer Language: While industry terms are essential, understanding the layman’s language can capture a wider audience.
  • Intent-Driven Keywords: Recognising the difference between informational and transactional queries can guide content creation.

Prioritising Local and Mobile SEO: Reaching Audiences Where They Are

The modern consumer is often on the move, seeking financial solutions on their mobile devices and preferring localised services.

  • Localised Content: Content that resonates with local events, needs, or concerns can significantly enhance engagement.
  • Mobile Optimisation: Ensuring seamless mobile experiences is not optional but necessary.

Utilising High-Quality Link-Building for Domain Authority: Establishing Credibility and Trust

In the financial sector, trustworthiness is augmented by the company you keep online.

  • Collaborative Content: Guest posts and collaborations with reputable financial entities can elevate domain authority.
  • Avoiding “Black Hat” Techniques: Ensuring ethical link-building practices safeguards reputation and avoids penalties.

Designing Content Marketing Campaigns That Resonate with Target Audiences: Speak Their Language, Address Their Needs

Finally, SEO isn’t merely about being seen; it’s about being heard and understood.

  • Interactive Financial Tools: Offering tools like loan calculators or investment simulators can provide tangible value to visitors.
  • Educational Content: Guiding consumers through complex financial concepts can position your brand as a trusted advisor.


In essence, the strategic intertwining of these bespoke SEO strategies ensures that financial firms don’t just navigate the digital space but dominate it.

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Harnessing Content to Boost EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)

In digital finance, content isn’t just about disseminating information. It’s about building a reputable image, establishing trust, and positioning oneself as an industry authority. EAT scores are central to this endeavour, and we’ve meticulously crafted strategies to enhance them.

Collaborating with Industry Experts for Authentic Content: Bridging the Gap Between Knowledge and Authenticity

Engaging with leading figures in the financial industry is more than a strategy; it’s a commitment to quality.

  • Guest Contributions: Inviting industry stalwarts to contribute enriches our content with their invaluable insights.
  • Expert Interviews: Conversations with industry leaders offer unique perspectives and underscore our dedication to authenticity.


Delivering In-Depth Analyses and Comprehensive Reports: Diving Deep into the World of Finance

The financial sector thrives on details, precision, and a thorough understanding of market dynamics.

  • Data-Driven Insights: Our content isn’t based on mere observations but grounded in rigorous data analysis.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: From global financial trends to niche market dynamics, our reports offer a holistic view, catering to novices and seasoned professionals.


Maintaining Transparency and Accuracy in All Published Content: Establishing Trust through Integrity

In an industry where trust is paramount, accuracy is non-negotiable.

  • Fact-Checking Protocols: All information undergoes stringent fact-checking, ensuring that our readers receive only the most reliable content.
  • Precise Citations: By crediting sources transparently, we uphold ethical standards and offer readers a pathway to delve deeper into topics.


Unlike generic businesses, financial services have unique challenges and regulations. Bespoke SEO addresses these needs, ensuring that strategies align with industry standards while targeting the right audience with relevant content.

Local SEO optimises your business for location-specific searches. By claiming and optimising your Google My Business profile, gathering local reviews, and ensuring consistent name, address, and phone number listings, SEO can position your financial firm prominently in local search results.

For financial services, essential SEO metrics include organic traffic, keyword rankings for industry-specific terms, conversion rate, bounce rate, average session duration, and backlink quality. Monitoring these can provide insights into the effectiveness of your SEO strategy.

SEO plays a vital role in online reputation management. By promoting positive content and addressing negative feedback appropriately, SEO can influence what information appears when someone searches for your financial institution online.

SEO is a long-term strategy. While initial improvements might be seen in a few months, substantial results, especially in competitive industries like financial services, typically require 6-12 months, if not longer.